Press Release Summary = Leading fashion name Request Jeans is featured in this week's issue of Cashak Magazine.
Press Release Body = Request Jeans is featured in the this week's issue of Cashak Magazine. The clothing line was selected because of their pioneering style and trend leadership position in the industry. Request Jeans' latest styles are showcased in high-definition fashion spreads on the magazine website. Well known fashion models Tory Strubbe, Erica Sterner and Gena Silvestri wear the clothing line in Cashak Magazine's fashion photos. An interview with Cheryl Crowley of Request Jeans is included in the editorial. The Cashak Magazine feature of Request Jeans is available world wide at
Cashak Magazine is a new fashion publication that embraces new thinking and ideas. Christopher Cashak, the founder of Cashak Magazine, holds the core idea that: "Fashion is meant to be seen, not read about in articles." Cashak Magazine primarily tells fashion's story through pictures. Cashak Magazine is the first fashion publication photographed entirely on location in high-definition, wide-screen format. The photographs are comparable to motion-picture productions, with fashion showcase and entertainment value. In the publication viewers will also find first-person interviews with leading professionals in the industry. Cashak Magazine produces 100% of its content, unlike most publications which recycle much of their material from news feeds and other media outlets. Based out of the emerging fashion market Scottsdale, Arizona Cashak Magazine brings a new perspective to the industry from outside the traditional fashion hubs of New York City and Los Angeles.
This week, Cashak Magazine features leading fashion name Request Jeans in its publication.